When it comes to making payments for something, it is very important to be sure that the payments are always made on time. Some companies out there charge their clients extra for being late, others may penalize the client and permanently raise their rates. Either way, the client ends up paying more in the long run. That is the last thing anyone wants to happen, especially when they are already paying a lot of money.
When it comes to bail, a lot of companies follow these same practices. Meanwhile, Free At Last Bail Bonding prefers to be more forgiving. Here at Free At Last Bail Bonding, we know that people make mistakes. We also understand that life can get messy and things that were certain or easy a few months ago may no longer be so easy.
If a client knows in advance that they are going to be late on a payment, they should talk to one of our bail agents right away. We will work with our clients to help them figure out their options with the payment. In some instances, we will even rework the monthly payments to fit the client’s new budget better.
The most important part of any relationship is communication, which is why it is so important for a client to talk to a bail agent as soon as they realize that they missed a payment. Here at Free At Last Bail Bonding, we know that mistakes happen from time to time. Maybe a date got marked down wrong on a calendar, or you just got distracted. Whatever the reason, as long as you talk with us as soon as possible, we will be willing to work with you.
Some of the other great services that we provide for our clients include:
• 20% Discount
• Phone approvals
• 0% Interest payment plans
• No hidden fees
• No collateral with working signer
• Se habla Español
Whenever you need caring and understanding help, you can count on Free At Last Bail Bonding. We provide all of our clients with personalized payment plans. We also understand that life can get messy, making it tough to make payments on time all of the time. As long as our clients talk with us, we will work with them to make the bail process as simple and stress free as possible for them.