When someone is arrested, they are placed into jail until their day in court arrives. On that day, a judge will look at the case and determine if the person is innocent or guilty of the crime in question. While that day should come quickly, it can often take several months here in Tennessee. That means that a person can spend several months in jail before they are even found guilty of the crime they were arrested for.
This is why most people look to post bail. Posting bail gets a person out of jail while they await their trial. This allows the person to continue to be free and continue to go to work while their trial is ongoing. This can be very beneficial for the person in question, if only it weren’t such a pricey option. Sadly, on average, bail costs several thousands of dollars.
This leaves people in quite a pickle, do they bail out their loved one or do they pay the thousands of dollars? If you choose not to post bail, your friend or family member will remain in jail for the entirety of their trial. This means they will be stuck in a concrete cell, have a cellmate, and have to attend court in an orange jumpsuit. On top of that, they will be missing out on everything happening in the world, including going to work.
Luckily, there is an affordable option for posting bail in Tennessee. All a person has to do is contact Free At Last Bail Bonding. We provide our clients with bail bonds that only cost 10% of the bail that they are for. This means that if a person has a $20,000 bail, their bail bond will only cost $2,000. This is a huge discount for our clients, but we don’t stop there. Some of the other benefits that we provide for our clients include:
• 20% Discount
• Phone approvals
• 0% Interest payment plans
• No hidden fees
• No collateral with working signer
• Se habla Español
If the idea of your friend or family member sitting in jail doesn’t sit well with you, don’t worry. Free At Last Bail Bonding is here to help. We will provide you with a cheap and affordable bail bond. This way, you can get your loved one out of jail for the remainder of their trial.