The New Year is rolling in with new laws for Tennessee. Sure, a person can now recreationally use marijuana legally in Tennessee, but what about the other laws? Every year new laws come into play January 1st. Typically these are laws that have been passed the previous year.
At the beginning of the New Year, you may notice a pay increase.
This is due to the fact that the minimum wage will increase to $11 an hour for businesses with 26 or more employees. Companies with fewer employees, 25 or less, will continue to pay $10.50 an hour. Salary paid employees might see a similar increase.
Tennessee is also enacting leave for new parents.
This law will allow new parents to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave from their job to bond with their new child. This laws mainly affects company with 20 or more employees. Larger companies, 50 or more employees, already have requirements regarding new parents.
There are several other laws coming into effect this January 1st regarding employment, driving, schools, guns, and health laws. There will be even more laws going into effect throughout the year. With over a 100 new laws going into effect this year in Tennessee, it is best to be prepared.